Monday, October 22, 2007

Dare to Be Stupid

My inner 11 year-old was in heaven over the weekend. Saturday night, I was at a “Weird Al” Yankovic concert. This was not how I planned to spend the evening, but an invite came my way so I went.

I was curious to see what kind of a crowd would turn out for the show. Not surprisingly, there were a lot of kids. I guess I had forgotten how much my friends and I were all into “Weird Al” growing up. It’s not something that we talk about much these days. It’s kind of amazing that he’s still as popular with kids now than he was 20 years ago. The show was great. He’s an amazing and energetic performer. And talking with people afterwards, there were a bunch of us closet Al fans that confessed that we were really happy he sang “Yoda”.

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