Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Double Down

In what stands as a stark contrast to the recent unveiling of healthy food, the fine folks at Kentucky Fried Chicken have revealed a new creation that they called the Double Down. It’s got two slices of cheese and bacon between two fried chicken breasts that are used in place of bread.

It’s like they've been reading This Is Why You’re Fat for menu ideas.

As gluttonous as this sounds (and it is disgustingly gluttonous) it’s a lot better than the notorious KFC Famous Bowls, which piled ingredient upon ingredient in a bid to see if they could cram everything on the menu into one item, regardless of taste, texture or caloric content.

The Double Down is being test marketed in select locations around the Midwest, so sadly I cannot give you a full review. For now I can only dream about it, and ponder why we have an obesity crisis in this country.


OneZenMom said...

But when it does make it out here to the Wild Wilde West, you're going to sacrifice your arteries for the good of the cause and review this for us, right?

Because, I have to admit, it sounds kinda ... nom nom nom.

Though, to be honest, I could do with one less chicken breast, I think. But anything with bacon and cheese and ... oh hell, you made me drool on my keyboard.


Emily W said...

Check this one out if you think that's gross (or good, whichever...)

DGB said...

ZenMom...You know that I will.

Emily...Oh yeah, I want that! I've eaten a Krispy Kreme chicken sandwich before.

Seriously, nobody who reads this blog is going to be surprised when I have at heart attack at 47.

Your escalator operator said...

Any truth to the rumor that they put bacon in there just to get you to mention it on DGB?

It looks... eh, I think I'll stick with sandwiches on bread. Or donuts.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Looks good to me. And doesn't no bread=low carb? That's what I like to think.

Eric said...

Going off the picture and not reading the blog, I first thought that this was a post about a fried sock puppet that threw up!

James (SeattleDad) said...

Hey, where's the Bacon?

DGB said...

YEO...Shh. Nobody is supposed to know about my high ranking position on the bacon council.

Chuck...So what you're saying is that this IS health food.

Eric...That may be one of the funniest things I've read in a long time.

James...Look under the cheese. It's there, my friend, oh it's there.

Your escalator operator said...

Eric FTW!

A Free Man said...

I've been gone from the States for nearly five years now. And sometimes I wonder why? Why am I living on the other side of the world where things aren't THAT much different. But then I see shit like this. And I remember.

SciFi Dad said...

Fried chicken breasts as bread? What's next: pancakes with syrup surrounding a sausage patty and egg?

Oh wait... McDonald's already does that.

cIII said...

This is likened to the Krispy Kreme Doughnut sandwich.

In which a burger patty and artistically cris-crossed bacon slices are placed, lovingly, between a sliced, glazed doughnut.

Awesome. I'll have one of each please.

OneZenMom said...

Now, I admitted that you had me at bacon and cheese ... but that hamburger on a donut thing? Eeeeewwwwwww. That's gotta break a law somewhere. Not man's law. Like, laws of nature. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. *shudder*

Anonymous said...

That just looks nasty. Maybe they should stick with that grilled chicken thing they tried out awhile back? Cause this is all sorts of gross.

Sadie said...

So it really does exist!! I wish I had known while I was in the Midwest earlier in the month.

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

OKay... is it wrong that that actually looks good to me? I should play the girl and tell you how disgusting that looks and sounds... but it doesn't, it looks like a thing of beauty to me! I have a horrible obsession about KFC chicken... love it!

DGB said...

A Free Man...I know. I'm totally conflicted by this. I mean, it's wrong and it's horrible and it's making us fat. On the other hand...chicken as bread!!!

SciFi...It's been a long time since I've had one of those, but I do love 'em.

CIII...As mentioned above, I've had the krispy kreme chicken, but not the burger. Keep waiting for it to show up at the fair.

Zen...Where's your sense of adventure?

Andrea...Where's your sense of adventure?

Sadie...If you had managed to score one of those, then gone home with your close proximity to VooDoo, I think I would have cried a little inside.

Shelle...Wrong that it looks good? Of course not.

OM said...

"Never again will you have to suffer through the bread part of your sandwich."

Mom said...

It seems so wrong that the chicken is actually the sandwich holder instead of bread or a roll.

I'd like to open a fast food joint and serve ham and eggs between two pieces of steak.


Brad C DMD said...

This is just a giant slap in the face to the idea of better health through prevention, isn't it? If I want to eat this tripple fried chicken monstrosity, I should eb able to do it. And if I keel over and die of a heart attack at 50, hell, that's my choice, isn't it? They going to ban KFC and the Triple Stacks at Wendys and BK and McD's? As an American, it is my right to die at whatever age I want, but goshdarn it, I want to pelasure my taste buds however I want!

Lady Mama said...

Does it come with a deep-fried Mars bar?