Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Offsprung Has Me Reeling

Early on in my life as a parent, WonderWife™ bought me the book Alternadad. Though I was a dad, I'm not one who most would call "Alterna". Nonetheless, I felt that the tome's author, Neal Pollack, was a kindred spirit. I immediately began cyber-stalking him. This is how I came to find Offsprung.

Offsprung is an online parenting community started by Neal as an outgrowth of his book. The site contains columns written by some fantastic writers and a bulletin board where people talk about everything from parenting advice to politics to the random songs on their iPods. It's where "Daddy Geek Boy" was born before I began blogging. In short, it's a fantastic community filled with witty people who, over the years, I have come to call my friends.

Why am I telling you all of this?

Today, Offsprung is re-launching with a shiny new format. Somehow the new management thinks that I might have something to contribute and has asked me to write a movie blog for them. The blog is called "Reeling" and my first post is up today. It involves a whole mess of anthropomorphic animals.

So click on over to Offsprung, play around and check out my new blog. It's my internet home away from home and a community that has saved my sanity one too many times.


Dan said...

Congratulations on the new gig!

OneZenMom said...

That's awesome! Congrats! Off to check it out.