I started this blog in order to create a record of my kids’ lives and so that my family and friends always had the ability to check in on the Geek Boy clan. I never gave much thought about who else would be reading it. But somehow, I've amassed a small but stable readership. It's been surprising and flattering how it's grown, especially this past year.
Sincere thanks to all of you who keep coming back to read my insanity. That said…comments are like crack for us bloggers. Once we get a taste of audience feedback, we crave more. And I'm jonesing here, man!
The most comments I have received on a post (discounting my replies) was for this one that got 19. My Delurker Day wish is to break that record. Help me make my dream come true!
Seriously comment or no comment, with all of the vast amount of options in the world to occupy your time, I'm truly touched that you choose to spend some of it with me.

Oh and if you're looking for a post where my pride is intact, check out Venus vs. Mars where I'm debating the merits of being emotionally invested in your relationship.
Goals are dangerous things; just look at what they did to me this year.
I know, I could be doing something else that is earth shattering, but no, I am lurking your blog...I like the flasher thingy!!
My word verification is: eurvi... wtf?
I am no longer "anonymous" and will be leaving commments all of the time now :) Watch out, it could become a problem!
I'm a reader... but I have over 100 blogs on my list, so I don't very often find time to comment.
I have only recently started checking out your blog. It's still on probation and could get revoked if you start sucking. So: don't suck. :) But seriously, I have been enjoying so far.
I'm a habitual lurker. Yours is one of very few blogs I absolutely try to comment on almost every single post. How's that for ego-boosting? But it's true.
Off to surprise some other bloggers by delurking now. ;)
I am here! De-lurking for the day.
I hope you obtain your Goal!!! apparently we made such good arguments on Real World no one but ZenMom dares to comment on that post...
ANyway! Here's to 19+comments over here for de-lurker day!
Standing to be counted...
I'm always happy to stuff the comment box (be sure to visit SciFi - he's gonna start tweeting!)
I like the Adventures of the Geek Boy Clan. There's always something interesting going on.
My highest comments are always on Random Tuesdays. Apparently people like it when I spout random drivel.
Here's to breaking your record!!!
There. I exposed myself. You likey?
I've read a lot of quick Delurking posts today but this is one of my favorites. I can't quite say why, maybe because you are simply frank about the whole "crack" thing.
And I love that you set a comment goal. Let me see if I can help you meet that!
k.k.k. I'm delurking today!! Yay me :)
Oh, and tell your wife I am SUPER sorry about the glitter mess
Oh, and when are you coming over again for some beers and air shooting?
I'm making pot roast for dinner, that's totally irrelevant but I thought you should know
I read a bunch of blogs, but can't always comment, sometimes it's too time consuming and sometimes I don't want to sound like an idiot, like I just did telling you about my pot roast
#19!!! How did I get #19! this is my lucky day!! :) Give the family a hug and happy weekend to you!
Your word verification thing just said Fluthsk , no kidding! That *may* become my new favorite word
I am the record breaker!!!
I also love keeping up with the clan, but don't comment often. Delurking now.
I prefer exposure to lurking.
Thanks to you all for delurking yourselves and commenting. I adore all of you. Especially you.
I did the delurking thing last year and ONLY got comments from people I usually get comments from. Even my parents, who I made a personal plea to, still did not comment.
I may include a note in a Random Tuesday post trying again.
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