Tuesday, May 17, 2011


If you've noticed it's been rather quiet around here, it's because I'm getting into my busy season again. As a result, I've been doing a lot of traveling. I've realized that there are some very specific things I do when I travel. I call them traditions, but they very well could be a product of neurosis.

Here is a list of things I must do when traveling on a plane:

Always call WonderWife™ before getting on the flight.

Must email a picture of the plane I am about to get on to WW™, so she can show it to the kids. (A picture of me sitting inside the plane is optional, but appreciated.)

Must touch the outside of the plane as I board. (I have no idea of the origin of this or why I do it.)

As soon as possible, open up the airline magazine in the front pocket and check what will be the in flight movie, regardless if I am watching it or not.

Upon approaching landing, count down from 10 trying to time "1" with the wheels touching down. If the count is early, continue to count back up to 10 until the wheels touch down. If sitting next to loved one, such as wife or child, whisper the count to them. Prepare to be mocked by wife if the count is off by more than 1.

Unbuckle seat beat while taxiing to the terminal. Why?  I don't need your rules, man!


Unknown said...

lol..i always unbuckle too after touchdown...maybe its a sibling thing?

Unknown said...

i dont know why my comment says its from michael...its not, its from me :)

Your escalator operator said...

I do the last one also - same reason, too.

SciFi Dad said...

You need help.

DGB said...

Michael... Didn't know I had a sibling named Michael. ;)

YEO... Yours in awesomeness, DGB

SciFi...More than you'll ever know.

Surfer Jay said...

Hmmm, well, you know they have things to take care of this sort of thing. let's see, prozac, paxil, and ooh, zoloft is my favorite, it's like candy.

(My wife almost puked on the plane two days ago. I was so excitedx I yanked out the puke bag. I so wanted to be able to tell my friends we actually used one of those seat saving vomit bags. So close, maybe next time. Enstead we brought it home and use them for popcorn bags.

Derek Armstrong said...

Question, though - How often do you find that the in-flight movie is actually what the magazine says it will be?

DGB said...

Jay...I'm not sure I'd be brave enough to use an air sick bag for food.

Vance...No. Thisnhas never happened to me. Has it happened to you? Often?

James (SeattleDad) said...

Just did a return flight from HI, and did that unbuckle thing too. I thought myself quite the rebel until I looked over at Lukas who was eyeing me. Then I felt bad.

DGB said...

James...The trick is not to make a big deal out of unbuckling. Just release the clasp and let the seat belt stay across your lap in a silent moment of defiance.

Lucasb said...

Yeah, I have a couple of those too...

Touch the outside of the plane? Check.

Seat belt off right after touchdown? Check.