Friday, June 24, 2011

This Is Your Wallet on Cars

Cars 2 opened today.  The reviews have been terrible.  The Bean is really excited to see it. 

I've been thinking about it a lot.

Click over to the Reeling Blog on Offsprung to see what I have to say about all of it.


BloggerFather said...

My 3yo saw it a few times on the plane to and from Israel. He was tired and cranky, and how come being on a plane isn't as fun as you think it would be when you look at a plane from the ground, is what I want to know. So I think he's now traumatized by Cars. He'll still only ask for the yogurt with the Cars picture, though...

DGB said...

At least he's not traumatized by planes.

SFD said...

The original had a positive message; this one looks like Octopussy for Toddlers.

DGB said...

SFD...A stunningly misguided movie for a studio that's cared about quality storytelling for 15 years.

The Bean absolutely didn't love it as much as the first one (and rightly so). I wonder if that will make a dent in the success of the movie.

Not that it matters from the merch perspective.

Derek Armstrong said...

I think your take is pretty accurate, and as you know I agree with you about the original (my fourth favorite Pixar film, which is a particular brand of heresy almost no one can stomach). However, I'll wait for DVD on this one. Then again, I saw the original Cars on DVD -- the only Pixar film I haven't seen in the theater -- so perhaps I'll love Cars 2 when I watch it on DVD too. But, probably not.

OneZenMom said...

We took the boys opening weekend. They were highly entertained by the whole spy-car thing and the 4yo loved that there was so much Mater in it. I expect we will get the DVD and watch it umpteen times. But, no, it definitely doesn't have the heart or the staying power that I expect from Pixar.

DGB said...

Vance...I usually have no idea what you'll love or not. ;)

Zen...Maybe not the heart, but the staying power for sure. As demonstrated by the Bean's desire to own every different kind of Lightening McQueen they make.