My 3yo saw it a few times on the plane to and from Israel. He was tired and cranky, and how come being on a plane isn't as fun as you think it would be when you look at a plane from the ground, is what I want to know. So I think he's now traumatized by Cars. He'll still only ask for the yogurt with the Cars picture, though...
I think your take is pretty accurate, and as you know I agree with you about the original (my fourth favorite Pixar film, which is a particular brand of heresy almost no one can stomach). However, I'll wait for DVD on this one. Then again, I saw the original Cars on DVD -- the only Pixar film I haven't seen in the theater -- so perhaps I'll love Cars 2 when I watch it on DVD too. But, probably not.
We took the boys opening weekend. They were highly entertained by the whole spy-car thing and the 4yo loved that there was so much Mater in it. I expect we will get the DVD and watch it umpteen times. But, no, it definitely doesn't have the heart or the staying power that I expect from Pixar.
Vance...I usually have no idea what you'll love or not. ;)
Zen...Maybe not the heart, but the staying power for sure. As demonstrated by the Bean's desire to own every different kind of Lightening McQueen they make.
My 3yo saw it a few times on the plane to and from Israel. He was tired and cranky, and how come being on a plane isn't as fun as you think it would be when you look at a plane from the ground, is what I want to know. So I think he's now traumatized by Cars. He'll still only ask for the yogurt with the Cars picture, though...
At least he's not traumatized by planes.
The original had a positive message; this one looks like Octopussy for Toddlers.
SFD...A stunningly misguided movie for a studio that's cared about quality storytelling for 15 years.
The Bean absolutely didn't love it as much as the first one (and rightly so). I wonder if that will make a dent in the success of the movie.
Not that it matters from the merch perspective.
I think your take is pretty accurate, and as you know I agree with you about the original (my fourth favorite Pixar film, which is a particular brand of heresy almost no one can stomach). However, I'll wait for DVD on this one. Then again, I saw the original Cars on DVD -- the only Pixar film I haven't seen in the theater -- so perhaps I'll love Cars 2 when I watch it on DVD too. But, probably not.
We took the boys opening weekend. They were highly entertained by the whole spy-car thing and the 4yo loved that there was so much Mater in it. I expect we will get the DVD and watch it umpteen times. But, no, it definitely doesn't have the heart or the staying power that I expect from Pixar.
Vance...I usually have no idea what you'll love or not. ;)
Zen...Maybe not the heart, but the staying power for sure. As demonstrated by the Bean's desire to own every different kind of Lightening McQueen they make.
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