Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Musings At Bedtime

Amongst the students enrolled in Sprout’s pre-school class, there is a bear. Peyton is a fluffy, light brown stuffed animal. His neck is adorned with a big red bow. Like a slacker who spends his first year out of college surfing the couches of his friends, Peyton goes home with a new student every few days. The kid is meant to care of the bear and report all of Peyton’s adventures back to the class upon his return. This weekend was Sprout’s turn.

Sprout took her role as Peyton’s caregiver very seriously. With the exception of her bath, Sprout kept Peyton by her side for the entire evening—even bringing his special blanket into bed with her so Peyton wouldn’t get cold.

Not so deep inside that rambunctious, precocious, stubborn little girl of mine is a very sweet, nurturing person.


Something unexpected happened while tucking the Bean into bed for the past two nights. The routine started out the familiar way, with stories (currently the 7th reading of Diary of a Wimpy Kid). I got up to read and turn off the lights. The Bean didn’t ask for it (it being me singing Mary Had a Little Lamb while spraying “scary spray” in each corner of the room. I decided to make a test of it and didn’t mention it. In the past when I’d forgotten to sing, the Bean would come out of his room a few minutes later and let me know my error. Time passed and he didn’t come out. The next night, same thing: I didn’t sing. He didn’t ask.

It could very well be that my boy is growing up.


Surfer Jay said...

Yeah, it's a sad day when our kids grow up to finally realize that we can't actually hold a tune, and shouldn't really be singing to them even if our lives depend on it....

Anonymous said...

We had a stuffed squirrel come through our house years ago. It's hard for me to realize my kids are 9, 5 (and almost 1). I really don't know where the time goes.

DGB said...

Jay...It was a sad day when I grew up and realized I couldn't hold a tune.

Andrea...I have no idea where time goes, but I know how fast it gets there.

@frayedparent said...

Scary spray! That's awesome—which aisle can you find that on in Target? Seriously though, I love the insight into your bedtime routine as my son is 2 and I'm sure I'll be at the Diary of a Wimpy Kid & Scary spray point sooner than I'd like. That also means I'll likely be past the point even faster. Thanks for sharing!

DGB said...

@frayedparent...Scary Spray is totally WonderWife's™ invention. Water in a small spritz bottle. One spray in each corner of the room protects it against monsters, ghosts, vampires and anything else a small child can dream up.

Creative-Type Dad said...

I think I have some scary spray around here somewhere. It might need to be reativated by microwaving.

DGB said...
