Friday, April 24, 2009


WonderWife™ called my cell as I was making my way towards a friend's house to watch "South Park."

"You have to hear this." She held the phone up to the baby monitor's speaker.

I could hear the Bean's small, tired voice singing.

"Oh baby....yoooooooooooooouuuuuu

you got what I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeed...

but you say he's just a...friend...

but you say he's just a friend..."


Unknown said...

I don't know what song that is but I am guessing a baby shouldn't be singing it :)

SciFi Dad said...

Wow... and I thought my baby was good for saying "Mama" at six months... if my memory serves me correctly, your daughter is even younger, right?

cIII said...

It's never too Early to train them in the classics.

And if Biz Markie is anything, he's classic.

Next stop...Wu Tang's "36 Chambers".

My 1.5 yr old can sing Elbow's "Grounds for Divorce".

Makes a daddy proud.

DGB said...

Andrea...The song is on the borderline of what a kid should sing.

SciFi...It was brought to my attention that this reads like my infant daughter was singing. If that were the case, I would take her out on the road and make millions. However, it was my son. We still use a monitor for his room.

clll...They gotta learn sometime, right. Protect Ya Neck, y'all.

OneZenMom said...

* Note to self: Never take a drink of hot coffee right before reading DGB. Because it really hurts when it tries to come out your nose.

Your escalator operator said...

The Bean rocks.

Unknown said...

I went and looked the song up and you, it's not that bad. It could have been worse!

DGB said...

ZenMom...I guess maybe I should change my banner again?

YEO...You have no idea how much.

Andrea...It's totally awesome that he's singing this.

Super Mega Dad said...

And I was so proud of my kids when they started to say Homer's "Dohhhh!". That's pretty impressive!