Friday, November 13, 2009

Home Alone

Much like in real life, I like to get out and roam around every once in a while. This is why you'll find me writing posts on other people's blogs (always invited though, I think it's rude to crash). As a result, those of you who visit my actual blog page will notice a new section in the upper right hand corner that provides links to the other places I've been recently. Those of you checking me out in a reader, now you have incentive to click through and visit every once in a while.

Today, I'm back at Venus V. Mars to give the male perspective on being home alone. But honestly, it's really more of a me perspective than should stand for all males. Here's a peek:

My wife and kids have left for a week and I am on my own. It is day 2, Saturday. A day filled with endless possibility. One that has not been pre-planned or scheduled.

1 comment:

Creative-Type Dad said...

If my wife left with my kid for the week, I'm almost sure she would leave a list of things for me to fix, build, paint, resurface, hang-up, take-down, and launch a rocket into space.
I hope she never leaves me for a week. Ever.