Monday, November 9, 2009

Morning Sanctuary

Every single morning I peel myself out of bed and quickly stumble towards the bathroom looking like Peter Boyle in Young Frankenstein. The bed's gravity is strong and if I don't get out of it's pull quickly, I will snap back to the mattress and return to slumber, thus shirking my parental responsibilities, rendering myself late for work and my son late for school and pissing off my wife, who already has enough to do without me doubling her workload. Still every single morning waking up is a fight. This has been especially true lately since WonderWife™ cajoled me into waking up earlier.

Working late as I do, I don't get to spend enough quality time with my kids. For a while, my time with them seemed to consist entirely of me barking orders at them like a drill sergeant: Brush your teeth! Get dressed! Flush the toilet! Put on your pajamas! For the love of jeebus flush the toilet! This began to take its toll on my relationship with my kids. So WonderWife™ kindly suggested that I get my ass out of bed a little earlier to allow for some playtime in the mornings. Of course she was right, she's always right. But that doesn't make waking up any easier.

In the morning, the bathroom becomes my sanctuary where I transform from sleepy zombie into a human being. I focus my thoughts and get ready for the day. Because once I step through the bedroom door, it's showtime. Daddy must be "on" for two kids who wake up filled with enthusiasm and energy reserved only for the young. But in the bathroom, I can ease into the day like a car warming up on a cold winter morning. I don't have to talk. I don't have to think. I can just let the warm shower force me awake.

Yet lately my solitude has been disrupted. While I'm in the shower the bathroom door will slowly creek open followed by one or two sets of feet. One or both of my kids will pad in and greet me with a big, bright, "Hi Daddy!" Rack up another concession to parenting. My serene morning has dissolved and showtime has begun early.


SciFi Dad said...

My challenge is on days where work is particularly shit-encrusted I have to both push that out and transform into "Daddy" on my commute home (my commute, mind you, with every stupid person who should never have been given a license in the first place).

ericdbolton said...

The same Drill Sergeant Syndrome is what led me to change my work schedule. I left being a supervisor to just a claims analyst. It's helped the relationship with the kids quite a bit.

I'm sure that the time change hasn't helped with the kids letting you finish your morning routine..

DGB said...

SciFi...I totally hear you about the end of the day. I have my ways to try to combat that, but that's another post (coming soon).

Bolton...The time change has sucked. But even more so for my wife.

Chic Mama said...

Know the feeling so well.

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

Well great post...I think my kids have learned at a young age, well they are still young, but I rarely if ever shower alone, meaning my husband is with me...they sense many years of therapy would be in their future if they popped in on our shower. Just sayin!

So cool that you get up early to hang out with them :)

DGB said...

Chic...Sorry you share the pain.

Shelle...You are having way more fun in the morning than I.

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Steph said...

The morning shower is also my time of peace in the mornings. When I leave the shower I grab a cup of coffee and then start our day.

My daughter who is the same age as your oldest has realized that mornings are so much better for mommy when coffee is involved. She has even started helping make it the night before. Love her!!
She knows that if coffee is involved she can ask me a million questions and it's no big deal.

Shelle- What a great way to start the day. I agree with DGB you're having way better showers than I am!!

OneZenMom said...

Hmmm. I can't actually remember the last time I had a bathroom all to myself for more than 3 minutes.

DGB said...

Steph...This morning while the shampoo was in my eyes, I heard the bathroom door open and quickly close. I later asked WonderWife™ if she shooed the Bean out of the bathroom because of this post. She said yes. One small victory for blogging!

Zen...You desperately need to invest in some door locks.

James (SeattleDad) said...

I like to transform myself in the daddy show. Makes for someone who will laugh at my lameness, few questions asked. It is tough sometimes though, I have to admit.

Steph said...

I'm sure WW knows that everyone needs a minute or two to wake up, esp since you're trying to get up earlier to be with the kids. :)